Provinces of Luanda and Icolo and Bengo divided by EN 100 and Via Expressa roads

  • Luanda • Friday, 16 August de 2024 | 06h53
Trânsito na via do Zango (arquivo)
Trânsito na via do Zango (arquivo)
Quinito Bumba-ANGOP

Talatona – The new Law on the Political-Administrative Division of the country, approved on Wednesday (14), determined the division of the province of Luanda, to give rise to that of Icolo and Bengo, now separated by the perpendicular of Estrada Nacional 100 and Via Expresses Fidel Castro.

From this division, the territories of Zango in general, Centrality of Sequele, Funda, Calumbo and Kikuxi became part of the current province of Icolo and Bengo.

Speaking to the press regarding the New Political-Administrative Division Law, the Minister of Territorial Administration, Dionísio da Fonseca, said that the territories of Kifangondo and Baia will also be part of the province of Icolo and Bengo.

The minister clarified that the former Vila Sede de Viana and a part of Kikuxi will now belong to the province of Luanda, specifically where the Kikuxi Water Treatment Station (ETA) and the current headquarters of the Viana district are located.

According to the governor, with the new division, the province of Luanda, the current urban district of Estalagem, the Zona dos Mulenvos, the urban district of Cacuaco, the urban district of Kikolo, as well as Vila Sede de Cacuaco become part of the new division. .

The minister explained that for the 'split' of Luanda, two roads were used as references, namely the National Road 100, in the section that goes from the bridge over the Cacuaco viaduct, towards Kifangondo, and the Via Expressa, which goes from the Cacuaco bridge towards Benfica, to the Kikuxi canal.

“In the Cacuaco-Benfica direction, from the Cacuaco bridge to the Kikuxi Canal, everything on the left bank will be part of the province of Icolo and Bengo, while what is on the right bank will belong to the province of Luanda,” he said.

As an example, he specified, the territories of Kifangondo, Funda, Sequele, Baia, 'Zangos 0, I, II, III, IIII and 8 Mil', as well as Calumbo and Kikuxi will be part of the province of Icolo and Bengo.

He highlighted that on the right bank, the old Vila Sede de Viana and a part of Kikuxi, including the water treatment plant and the district headquarters of Viana, as well as the urban district of Estalagem, the Zona dos Mulenvos, of Cacuaco, the urban district of Kikolo and Vila Sede de Cacuaco will be part of the province of Luanda.

Dionísio da Fonseca highlighted that the challenges in delimiting the territories of the two provinces included the search for natural elements or other references that would facilitate this geographical trend.

He explained that using the current intermunicipal limits, such as the street of approximately five meters, which cuts the Kikolo market between Cazenga and Cacuaco, would not be appropriate to delimit two provinces, which is why Estrada Nacional 100 and Via Expressa Fidel were chosen. Castro.

'In the proposal for the General State Budget for 2025, the political division of the 21 provinces and 326 future municipalities will be presented and a development plan for the provinces will be drawn up, with territorial planning instruments and infrastructure projects for the provincial headquarters', he stated .

Dionísio da Fonseca said that the province of Icolo and Bengo will have its headquarters in Catete.

The province of Moxico will have its headquarters in Luena, Moxico Leste in Cazombo, Cuando in Mavinga, and Cuando Cubango in Menongue.

Regarding municipalities, the Minister of Territorial Administration said that territorial units, including urban districts and communes, were elevated to the category of municipalities, increasing the total number of municipalities from 164 to 326.

The number of communes was reduced to 378, and the 44 urban districts, including 41 in the province of Luanda and three in the province of Lunda-Norte, will all be elevated to the category of municipalities.

Dionísio da Fonseca highlighted that the new entities will have the competence and financial resources to manage servers and staff, being closer to better respond to the demands of the populations in the localities.

Still on Icolo and Bengo, on the border with Bengo and Cuanza Norte, he highlighted that the current limits of the province of Luanda will be preserved. On the southern border, Icolo and Bengo will extend to the bridge over the Longa River.

 Regarding Public Procurement, there will be no changes, according to the minister.

“In the future, there will be an increase in the number of deputies due to the increase in provincial electoral districts”, concluded the Minister of Territorial Administration (MAT).

With the approval of the New Political-Administrative Division Law on Wednesday (14), with 97 votes in favor, 66 against and five abstentions, during the VIII Extraordinary Plenary Session, the country now has 21 provinces and 326 municipalities. GIZ/MDS/DOJ

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