Mavinga - The first governor of the new province of Cuando, Lúcio Gonçalves Amaral, was introduced Saturday to the local population, in a ceremony presided over by the Minister of Territorial Administration (MAT), Dionísio Manuel da Fonseca.
The ceremony took place in front of the headquarters of the province of Cuando, Mavinga, and marks the institutionalization of this new province, in compliance with the implementation of the new Political-Administration Division in the country.
Minister Dionísio Manuel da Fonseca said that the DPA does not translate into the division of populations, and kingdoms, but rather into the organization of the territory, so that public and administrative services are better provided, since they will be closer to the citizen.
He requested the support of the population to Governor Lúcio Amaral.
In turn, Lúcio Amaral, in his speech, considered it important that there is the collaboration of the population, for the development of the new province.
He added that the province of Cuando, with joint effort, can become a dignified region to live in.
Thus, he pointed out as a major priority the communication routes, as well as the construction of the Mavinga International Airport, so that all the ideas and proposals of the members of the government he leads are executed.
After the act, the moment of handover of portfolios from the governor of Cubango to that of Cuando took place, with the testimony of the Minister of Territorial Administration, Minister of Public Works, Urbanism and Construction, Carlos Gregório dos Santos, members of the two governments, among others.
The municipalities of Mavinga (capital), Cuito Cuanavale, Dirico, Dima, Mucusso, Chipundo, Luiana, Luengue and Rivungo are part of the new province. ALK/FF/PLB/DOJ