Minister of State wants greater dynamism from AIPEX

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 07 August de 2024 | 19h20
Tomada de posse dos novos administradores da AIPEX
Tomada de posse dos novos administradores da AIPEX
Nelson Malamba - ANGOP

Luanda - The Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José de Lima Massano, on Wednesday defended the greater dynamism of the Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX) in its ability to attract investors to the country, for the process of economic diversification

The minister was speaking at the swearing-in ceremony of two executive directors of AIPEX, and stressed the importance of monitoring and ensuring the expected benefits for the national economy.

In turn, Jerónimo Pongolola, one of the directors sworn in, said he was committed to participating in the process developed by the agency, contributing with the know-how.

'We are now called upon to give greater dynamism to what is the purpose of the agency and the focus is to guarantee private investment for the national market,' he said.

The chairman of the Board of Directors of AIPEX, Arlindo das Chagas Rangel, called on provincial governments to create incentives for investors to direct their investments in areas outside the country's capital.

In this sense, he guaranteed the support of the institution and said that food security was a priority of the Government, having mentioned, in addition to the agriculture and industry sectors, the areas of tourism, health, silos, product conservation, as well as infrastructure.

The Minister of State for Economic Coordination swore in Sérgio Adriano Amado and Jerónimo Domingos Pongolola, both in the position of executive directors of the Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency.

This agency's mission is to promote and attract private investments from domestic and foreign sources, with the aim of contributing to socio-economic development and promoting the increase and diversification of the country's exports of products and services. HM/VC/DOJ

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