Luanda - A short film festival called "Cinema nas Escolas" (Cinema at School), on Monday in Luanda was launched aiming to encourage creativity and cinematic practice among students at the Art Schools Complex (CEARTE).
This CEARTE initiative also aims to promote student film production, strengthen practical training in live, script, photography, lighting, editing and production, with a view to stimulating students' creativity and collaboration.
According to the coordinator of the Cinema Training area at the complex, Wandi Tavares, students from the 11th to 13th grades are eligible to be part of the festival, given that students from 10th grade are in the initial phase of their training and still without enough knowledge.
"From the 2nd academic year onwards, we believe that they can already be part of this range of competitions. And participation must also be in teams, which means that students from the 11th to 13th grades will participate in teams", she explained.
Wandi Tavares highlighted that the program foresees registrations for February, dissemination of the selected projects in May, a script workshop, filming, editing and production techniques for July and delivery of the films for evaluation by the juries in September and October, while the awards ceremony is set for November.
Regarding the structure of the competition, she stated that the themes must be defined annually, with work lasting a maximum of eight minutes, in the categories of fiction, documentary and experimental, with professional juries from the cinematographic field.
However, the categories of best short film, director, screenplay, photography, editing, actress and public award will receive prizes.