Luanda - A delegation from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESCTI) has been since Monday in the State of Israel for a visit in that country.
The sector’s delegation, which is led by the incumbent minister Maria do Rosário Bragança, will learn of the functioning of the local institutions of higher education and scientific research, aimed to exchange of experiences and exploring opportunities for cooperation between HEIs and R&D of both the countries.
The delegation is made up of the chairperson of the National Council of Rectors of Public Universities in Angola Sebastião António, the Rector of the Mandume Ya Ndemufayo University, among other technicians from the sector.
Diplomatic relations between Angola and the State of Israel began in 1993. Two years later, in 1995, the State of Israel opened its Embassy in the Republic of Angola and, in 2000, the Government of Angola did the same, with the opening of its diplomatic representation in Tel Aviv.
Cooperation consists mainly of activities in the areas of agriculture, health, education, aviation, civil construction, fisheries, diamonds, security and telecommunications, as well as activities of a humanitarian nature.VM