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Huíla with more than 500 new classrooms in one year

  • Luanda • Thursday, 21 November de 2024 | 09h54
Alunos na sala de aula
Alunos na sala de aula
Aurélio Janeiro-ANGOP

Lubango - The Province of Huíla went from 9,568 classrooms in 2023 to 10,109 in the following academic year, representing an increase of 541 new classrooms, which allowed 21,640 students to be included in the normal education system, ANGOP has learned.

The municipality of Lubango has the largest number of classrooms, with 3,014, while Gambos is the least benefited, with 293, reveals a report from the provincial government to which ANGOP had access Thursday.

As a result of these investments, in the 23/24 academic year there was an increase of 30,883 students, compared to the interior, and Lubango topped the charts with 255,12, representing 32% of the province's total, while Gambos once again registrered a figure of 17,687 (2%), a situation attributed to this municipality’s low population density (107,600 inhabitants).

The document states that the municipality of Caluquembe recorded the highest rate of increase in the number of students, going from 59,836, in the 22/23 academic year, to 75,097 in the following year.

In the 2023/2024 academic year, the Primary Education subsystem hosted the largest number of students, with 515,141 (65%), while the 1st technical cycle hosted the best number, with 1,955 (0.2%), having had a reduction in the number of students in the Second cycle of Technical Education, which went from 26,720 to 20,214, respectively.

According to the document, the government of Huíla defends the need for greater investment in the Professional Technical Education I and II Cycle subsystem, to diversify the training offer, to guarantee young people greater access to the job market.

Overall, the government celebrates the reduction of 661 outdoor classes this year, compared to the previous year, yet the municipalities of Lubango, Quipungo, Chibia and Jamba appear as those with the largest number of outdoor classes.

As for teachers, the capital of the province has the largest number, 8,017, as it has the largest number of classes and schools and Gambos has the smallest (586).



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