Angola works to boost GDP

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 12 October de 2022 | 07h12
Angolan Finance minister, Vera Daves de Sousa.
Angolan Finance minister, Vera Daves de Sousa.
Mauro Romeu - ANGOP

Washington DC – The Angolan minister of Finance, Vera Daves de Sousa, highlighted Tuesday in Washington DC, USA, the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the “flagship” for the four-year period 2023-2027 governance.

The official was addressing the press at the end of a gathering of African Finance Ministers in the ambit of the Annual Meeting of the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), that takes place in the United States capital city.


“We want the programmes and policies that make the GDP to grow, especially in sectors of the society that generate employment, to be the flagship of the next four years in order to reduce poverty and unemployment”, said the minister.


Vera Daves stated that the objective is to protect the most vulnerable families from the different shocks that are and will be happening regarding the affordability in foodstuffs, fertilizers and energy prices, which is a direct consequence of the conflict that takes place in Eastern Europe.


To the minister, the Angolan Executive - under the leadership of President João Lourenço, during the WB and IMF annual meeting- intends to listen to and understand the perspectives performance of the global, regional and African economies, as well as the main threats and opportunities.


Vera Daves added that Angola intends also to project its vision for the next four years, as the country´s way of working is receiving a lot of praise, which can optimize the resources that are being raised.


The Finance minister assured that the Angolan state will take full advantage of its current reputation due to the implemented reforms, further stressing that “(…) everything will be done in order to keep the positive perception, with the aim of continuing to maintain and ensure macroeconomic stability in a firmer and more incisive manner”.


On 22 December 2021, the IMF Executive Board concluded the sixth and final evaluation of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for Angola, which started in December 2018. 


The Programme aimed at achieving and consolidating the external and fiscal balance of the Angolan economy, as well as creating the conditions for an effective diversification of the economy, in order to promote sustained and sustainable growth in Angola led by the private sector.



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