Exporters' association wants to boost exports of national products

  • Luanda • Thursday, 01 August de 2024 | 00h12
Covid-19 has slowed imports and exports and affected brokers
Covid-19 has slowed imports and exports and affected brokers
Rosário dos Santos

Luanda – The help to Angolan producers to export national goods, with the aim of ensuring the sustainable growth of the Angolan economy, is one of the priorities of the Dynamic Association of Entrepreneurs and Exporters (ADIEEX), which was presented to the public Wednesday in Luanda Province.

Speaking to the press, the chairman of ADIEEX, Indira Jombe, said that current national production and investors interested in acquiring national products facilitated the expansion process, as long as they were well supported.

In turn, the assembly secretary of ADIEEX, Melanston Santos, announced the continuity of the project to promote export of cornmeal, which has existed for six years, before the creation of this association.

 With AIDEEX's entry into the market, she said that the aim is to expand national products to Portugal, Brazil, France and Belgium in the first phase.

At the occasion, the Vietnamese businessman, Quand Duan, who is in Angola for 22 years, working in the area of carpentry and fishing, with more than 250 workers, revealed that he has difficulty exporting what he produces here.

He added that the raw material is bought from his country and would like to see the reality reversed.

 While Frederick Demared, from the company Angobelga, has been in Angola for a week. He is studying the market, for the areas of foam and mattresses, which he considers to be a promising business.

 However, he regretted the fact that the raw material was acquired in his country of origin, which he intends to use locally in the future.

 He added that his initial investment is approximately 2 million euros.

 The AIDEEX has full members and some associates.

 The Angolan government has been working on legislation to reduce taxes, as well as to valorize products made in Angola, especially with Decree 213/23 (valorisation of national products).

 Among the products are cornmeal, cassava, bananas, corn and wood, with Portugal, South Africa, Namibia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as the main destinations. ML/QCB/MRA/DOJ


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