Luanda - The Secretary of State for International Cooperation and Angolan Communities of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Domingos Vieira Lopes, highlighted Tuesday in Luanda, the country's strategic vision for economic diplomacy as a mechanism to attract foreign investment.
The Secretary of State made the statement at the opening of a training session on "Strategic Alignment, within the scope of Economic Diplomacy as a mechanism for attracting investment".
The diplomat considered it necessary to strengthen cooperation and establish partnerships, given the potential of existing resources in the country, with the aim to reaffirm the presence of Angola in Africa and worldwide.
The training session, aimed at senior staff of Angola's diplomatic missions, focused on attracting investment and promoting exports to internationalise and diversify the national economy.
During the event, the speakers gave a comprehensive overview of the initiatives in the Strategic Plan of the Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX), which include a significant increase in actions to attract funding in the places identified as priorities.
AIPEX's mission is to attract foreign direct investment to the country and to help national companies find viable markets to export products and consolidate their internationalization. FMA/SC/MRA/AMP