Five million dwellings registered for 2024 Population Census

  • Luanda • Thursday, 16 May de 2024 | 21h58
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Morais Silva
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Divulgação, Censo 2024
Divulgação, Censo 2024
Kinda Kyungu - ANGOP

Luanda – Five million collective dwellings have been registered in the country's 18 provinces as part of the process of updating the cartographic network for the 2024 General Population and Housing Census, which begins on 19 July, said Thursday in the Province of Luanda, the spokesman for the Multisectoral Commission to Support the 2024 Census, Hernany Pena Luís.

He said that the cartographic updating process was held without constraints, revealing that it had the support from the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA), the National Police (PN), of the provincial governments, as well as the ministries.

According to him, all the technical and logistical conditions are in place for the start of the general census, which is expected to involve more than 90,000 agents.

To this end, Hernany Pena Luís announced that the process of submitting applications for census agents will begin on the 22nd of this month, through the online portal of the National Statistics Institute (INE).

He emphasised that the training of provincial and municipal technical assistants, who will train the census takers, is currently taking place in Huambo province.

Regarding the meeting, led by the coordinator of the Multisectoral Commission, Francisco Perreira Furtado, he said that it reviewed the work carried out by the body, in order to guarantee the success of the activity.

The General Population and Housing Census will be carried out throughout the country under the slogan “Together we count for Angola”.

This will be the third census in the country's history, the first having been carried out in 1970, five years before National Independence, proclaimed on 11 November 1975, while the second took place in 2014.



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