Viana – a number of Seventy-five enumerators agents from the provinces of Luanda, Cuando Cubango, Cunene, Cabinda and Namibe are attending the training on collection, processing and statistical analysis techniques, since Monday, in the country's capital, to better assess the existing potential in the agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors.
The activity that will last for seven days is part of the Continuous Survey of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries carried out by the National Statistics Institute (INE) and the ministries of Agriculture and Forestry and Fisheries and Marine Resources.
The training aims to determine information such as types and zones of crops, available surfaces, planting and harvesting months and number of agents involved.
Speaking to the press on the sidelines of the event, the municipal director of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Joana Pedro said that this information will serve as support for defining policies and planning sustainable and profitable management of the Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries sectors.
According to her, this is a refresher for field agents who work on the collection, treatment and statistical analysis of this survey, ongoing since 2023 across the country, and which will culminate in practical classes in companies in the agriculture, livestock and fishing sectors based in the municipality of Viana.
The official asked the trainees for commitment and dedication, highlighting that the knowledge to be acquired is crucial to defining the policies that the country needs to reduce the poverty rate and make profitable the aforementioned sectors.
The Continuous Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Survey seeks to assess the sectors and their impact on people's lives to help the Government create better conditions to support these activities. FCC/HDC/ASS/CF/DOJ