Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

TAAG resumes Luanda-Belgium cargo service

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 28 February de 2024 | 20h48
TAAG aeroplane
TAAG aeroplane
Nelson Malamba

Luanda – TAAG - Angola Airlines resumed on Tuesday the cargo transport service between the cities of Luanda and Liége (Belgium), through a leasing agreement to operate with a Boeing 747-400F freighter.

The action is the result of a partnership with the European group 'Network Airline Management' (NAM), an entity specialized in freighter fleet management, according to a note from TAAG sent to ANGOP today.

According to the document, the intention is to guarantee the continued growth of TAAG's strategic segment, cargo transportation, providing international connections for economic agents and support for the industry, both for Angola and for other countries in the region.

The flights will be operated on Friday, from António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN), on a Boeing 747-400F freighter with a capacity of up to 120 tons.

According to the TAAG document, the freighter will respond to demand indicators and cargo mobilization needs of different customers, namely in the industrial sector and the oil and gas ecosystem.

The Luanda – Liége route has a flight duration of nine hours and is the cargo route with the greatest contribution, which is expected to move around 320 tons of various merchandise per month, the note states.

TAAG is a leading company in the aviation market in Angola. It currently flies to 12 domestic destinations and 13 international destinations. In addition to transporting passengers, its fleet also transports cargo, a service that is increasingly essential for the development of the local ecosystem.

On the other hand, Network Airline Management' (NAM) is the entity specialized in freighter fleet management. The group operates more than 150 thousand tons of cargo per year, on a freight basis to various routes and destinations around the world. OPF/QCB/DOJ


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