Angola reaffirms commitment to peace and stability in Africa

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 24 October de 2023 | 19h31
Angolan Foreign Affairs Ministry building, Luanda
Angolan Foreign Affairs Ministry building, Luanda

Luanda – Angola's Foreign minister, Téte António, on Tuesday in Luanda Province reiterated the country's commitment to contributing to peace and stability in Africa, as well as cooperating closely with the African Union (AU) and the United Nations (UN) in order to tackle urgent challenges, including humanitarian and security issues.

Téte António made these statements during a working meeting with the special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General to the African Union, Parfait Onanga-Anya.

The diplomat thanked the AU and the UN for the essential role they play in resolving conflicts and promoting sustainable development in the region.

The meeting served as an opportunity for both political entities to discuss issues of cooperation between Angola and the United Nations System, with a view to joint initiatives aimed at promoting peace, stability and development on the African continent.

On the occasion, Parfait Onanga-Anya expressed the UN's thanks to President João Lourenço for his commitment to peace, stability and development in the region, as well as the award of the African Union Champion for Peace and Reconciliation and on his new mission of leading the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

The special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General to the African Union, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, has been in Angola since Sunday (22), where he took part in the opening session of the 147th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union that the country is hosting.


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