Agricultural technicians benefit from training on agroclimatic surveillance

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 08 May de 2024 | 18h02
Técnicos das EDA em formação sobre previsão e vigilância agroclimática no Cunene
Técnicos das EDA em formação sobre previsão e vigilância agroclimática no Cunene

Ondjiva – Twenty-five technicians from the Agrarian Development Stations (EDA) of the six municipalities in the province of Cunene benefited from a training seminar on the agroclimatic forecasting and surveillance platform, with a view to improving decision-making in the face of climate phenomena.

The training action, which took place on the 7th and 8th of this month, is part of the Food and Nutritional Security Strengthening and Resilience Program in Angola (FRESAN).

For two days, participants reflected on topics such as “Weather and climate”, “Origin of station data and climate change”, “Importance of meteorological forecast”, “Operation and meteorological models”, “Surveillance platform climate”, among other issues.

According to the coordinator of FRESAN in Cunene, Juan Molina, the training of technicians is of crucial importance, as it provides the necessary knowledge to assess the climate in a timely manner and provides communities with information about the occurrence of natural phenomena.

The source highlighted that agroclimatic surveillance can identify extreme events and communicate them to farmers and local decision-makers, to take necessary measures and determine the best planning for the agricultural campaign.

Additionally, he added that this climate forecasting platform allows to improve information management and contribute to nutritional security, through a rapid alert system to empower communities in crisis situations.

FRESAN is an initiative of the Government of Angola and financed by the European Union (EU), aiming to contribute to the reduction of hunger, poverty and vulnerability to food and nutritional insecurity in the provinces of Cunene, Huíla and Namibe.

The project, ongoing since the end of 2022, allowed the installation of six meteorological stations, in the municipalities of Curoca and Ombadja (Cunene), Gambos and Chicomba (Huila), Bibala and Moçamedes (Namibe), in order to assist the existing network of INAMET. FI/LHE/QCB/DOJ

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