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Government concerned about cyber attacks

  • Luanda • Friday, 16 April de 2021 | 22h19
Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Media, Manuel Homem
Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Media, Manuel Homem
Gaspar dos Santos.

Luanda – The Angolan Government is concerned about the cyber attacks, particularly those affecting security and personal data protection.

This was said Friday in Luanda by the minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, Manuel Homem. 

Addressing a workshop on cyber security, sponsored by his department, Manuel Homem said Angola has more than seven million Internet users and “naturally cyber attacks constitute a concern the Executive has been dealing with for years.”

The minister recalled that there is a Data Protection Act in the country that is aligned with the international standards concerning the subject.

“We are talking about the protection of the networks and computer systems, as with the growing use of the technologies as a result of the pandemic, that forces the institutions into getting digitalised and working more in virtual environments, it requires that that all understand the fundamental and basic precautions we all must adopt in using the various technological tools,” said the official.

He added that a programme intended to raise awareness among the workers of the sector about the dangers involved in the wrong use of the technologies is underway.

Manuel Homem said the programme will cover all ministerial departments and the society as whole, to warn against the challenges of cyber security and data protection.

The minister stressed that with the exponential growth of information technologies in the country, a campaign has been launched to raise awareness and training on the correct use of computer systems, with a view to a major protection of the networks, of the systems and data of each technological infrastructure user.


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