ANGOTIC 2024: Minister highlights Angola's digital technological potential

  • Luanda • Saturday, 15 June de 2024 | 16h58
Ministro das Telecomunicações, Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Social, Mário Oliveira
Ministro das Telecomunicações, Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Social, Mário Oliveira
Gaspar dos Santos-ANGOP

Luanda - The Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, Mário Oliveira, said on Saturday in Luanda that Angola has potential in digital technology, which can contribute to its economic development.

Speaking at the closing of the International Forum on Technologies of Angola (ANGOTIC2024), the minister encouraged entrepreneurs and other entities to support young people's entrepreneurial initiatives, such as Startups, among other activities.

The minister said that during the event, 132 requests for micro-credits were received by micro and small companies, and 100 were approved, with financing in the order of two million and 500 thousand kwanzas.

He announced that the 5th edition of the International Forum on Angolan Technologies will take place in June 2025, the year in which the country will mark 50 years of National Independence.

The closing ceremony was witnessed by the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José Lima Massano, among other entities.

ANGOTIC 2024 took place from the 13th to the 15th of this month, at the Talatona Convention Center, under the motto 'Digitize, connect and innovate'.

The event was organized by the Government with the aim of promoting the debate around current, global and future issues of Information and Communication Technologies, as well as sharing knowledge, facilitating networking between government entities, exhibitors and specialists.

The event was attended by 125 startups and 70 exhibiting companies, in addition to 170 participants, including speakers and speakers, of which 65 were foreigners. JAM/MCN/DOJ


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