Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

ANGOTIC2024 – Training program highlighted on 2nd day

  • Luanda • Friday, 14 June de 2024 | 03h03
ANGOTIC Angola ICT Fórum 2024
ANGOTIC Angola ICT Fórum 2024
Domingos Cardoso-ANGOP

Luanda – The 4th ANGOTIC 2024 Forum continues this Friday with several debates around information and communication technologies, with the event’s agenda also reserving for this second day of the event a training program in space education.

To be delivered to universities by the Space Management Office, the action is one of the innovations of the event which this year also has, for the first time, an area to house public companies, ministries and provincial governments.

Participants will address, in two panels and 12 parallel approaches, topics such as "Ethics in the use of artificial intelligence," "The impact of ICT on the national education system", "Business models and electrical commerce", "The secret of digital innovation" and "Essential pillars of cybersecurity for the capital economy”.

Scheduled to end on Saturday (15), ANGOTIC 2024 takes place at the Talatona Convention Center, in Luanda, under the motto "Digitize, connect and innovate", with the participation of 125 startups and 70 exhibiting companies, in addition to 170 participants, including lecturers and speakers, 65 of whom were foreigners.

The international forum is promoted by the Angolan government and aims to promote debate around current, global and future ICT themes, as well as sharing knowledge and facilitating networking between government entities, exhibitors and experts.



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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...