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ANGOTIC2023: Minister of Telecommunications speaks of need to take technological innovation to communities

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  • Luanda • Monday, 12 June de 2023 | 10h51
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Ministro das Telecomunicações Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Social, Mário Augusto
Ministro das Telecomunicações Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Social, Mário Augusto
Nelson Malamba - ANGOP

Luanda - Angolan minister of Telecommunications, Technologies and Information and Social Communication Mário de Oliveria stressed Monday in Luanda the need to make information technologies available to the communities and contribute to the development of the country.

Mário de Oliveira was speaking at the opening ceremony of the 3rd edition of ANGOTIC 2023 - International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies of Angola, under the theme "Connectivity and Technological Modernization".

The official stressed the need to extend technological services throughout the national territory, connecting the country to the world.

ANGOTIC 2023 is a global event on information and communication technologies, organised and promoted by the Angolan Government, through the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication.

The event aims to promote debate around current, global and future issues of information and communication technologies (ICT). HEM/AC/VM/NIC

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