Road accident victims in Huambo province receive medical discharge

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 31 January de 2024 | 15h21
Sala de internamento do Hospital Geral do Huambo
Sala de internamento do Hospital Geral do Huambo
Aurélio Janeiro-ANGOP

Caála - Eleven of the thirteen citizens injured on the road accident that occurred in the early afternoon of Tuesday, on the Huambo/Caála section, have already been medically discharged, ANGOP learned.

The 11 injured were being treated in the largest hospital unit in the municipality of Caála, where another victim of the accident is still located, while the other who was in intensive care at the Huambo General Hospital is now out of danger.

The information was confirmed, this Wednesday, by the clinical director of the Caála Municipal Hospital, Rodrigues Cachipili Satende, who said that they were citizens with critical and serious fractures of the orthopedic forum, but recovered satisfactorily.

At this moment, he said, the clinical team is just waiting for recovery from the chest-head injury, contracted by the driver of the vehicle who was doing the taxi service, although it is a less critical situation.

In turn, the acting clinical director of the General Hospital of Huambo, Augusta Sachiteque, said that the patient transferred to intensive care at the largest hospital unit in the province, with serious fractures in the lower limbs, is now out of danger.

The clinical manager appealed to driver to be more cautious when driving.

The accident resulted from the collision of a vehicle providing taxi service with a van transporting goods.

Traffic and Road Safety experts point to excessive speed and a lack of caution on the part of the two drivers as the causes of the road accident.

This is the first case of a road accident that was recorded this year on the Huambo/Caála section. MLV/ALH/CF/DOJ


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