Court condemns citizens for usurpation of tax functions

  • Luanda • Thursday, 16 May de 2024 | 13h08
Sala de Julgamento
Sala de Julgamento

Huambo – Two national citizens, summarily judged for the crimes of usurping the functions of a tax official and falsifying documents, were sentenced today by the Huambo District Court to a fine of 310 thousand Kwanzas/each.

These are defendants José Adriano Sassoma and Victor Duguissa Majindja, aged 26 and 36, respectively, tried in criminal case No. 55/2024, held in the I section of criminal matters.

When reading the ruling, the judge and president of the case, Inocêncio Eugénio Salesso, said that the defendants were caught on May 8th of this month, making improper use of the brand and insignia of the General Tax Administration (AGT).

This fact, he added, constitutes the crime of usurpation of the functions of a tax official, under the terms of article 183 of the General Tax Code, while the crime of forgery of documents, takes place under the terms of article 251 of the Penal Code of the Republic of Angola. ALH/CF/DoJ

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