Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

All Zango and Sequele pass to the province of Icolo and Bengo

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 31 December de 2024 | 20h32
Descerrada placa da institualização da província de Icolo e Bengo
Descerrada placa da institualização da província de Icolo e Bengo
Clemente dos Santos - ANGOP

Catete - The perimeter of Zango (from 1 to 5) and the Sequele residential cluster now belong to the territory of the province of Icolo and Bengo, as a result of the new Political-Administrative Division (DPA), in force in the country.

The Centrality of Sequele, built in 2010, with more than 60,000 inhabitants, moves from the municipality of Cacuaco (Luanda), to the new territorial unit, which already has its first provincial governor, Auzílio de Oliveira Jacob, in office, since the 27th of this month.

In turn, the localities of Zangos 1, 2, 3 and 4 belonged until then to the municipality of Viana, also in the province of Luanda, unlike Zango 5 (8000) which was already part of the commune of Bela Vista, former municipality of Icolo e Bengo.

The new province of Icolo and Bengo is based in the town of Catete and has seven municipalities and 11 communes, including Icolo and Bengo (with the communes of Catete, Cassoneca, Caculo Cahango and Caxicane), Quiçama (Muxima, Kixinje, Demba Xio and Mumbundo).

The remaining municipalities are still without discriminated communes such as Calumbo, Cabíri, Cabo Ledo, Bom Jesus and Sequele.

Before its elevation to the category of province, the municipality of Icolo e Bengo had four communes and two urban districts.

With the new DPA, Luanda continues to be the capital of the country, going from nine municipalities to 16 (Ingombota, Cacuaco, Cazenga, Viana, Bela, Kilamba Kiaxi, Mussulo, Sambizanga, Rangel, Maianga, Samba, Camama, Mulenvos, Kilamba and Hoji-ya-Henda).

The province of Icolo and Bengo is 62 kilometers from the country's capital, with an estimated population of 131,268 inhabitants, in an area of 3,819 square kilometers.

This is a milestone in the recent history of Angola, since, until 2010, Icolo e Bengo belonged to the province of Bengo and, 13 years after its integration in Luanda, it has now been elevated to the category of province, under the new Political-Administrative Division.

With the new configuration, the country now has three new provinces, making 21 against the previous 18, in a total of 326 municipalities and 378 communes.

Moxico Leste and Cubango are the other two new provinces that resulted, respectively, from the division of Moxico and Cuando Cubango, while Icolo and Bengo were detached from Luanda.CLAU/IZ/DOJ

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