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Sociologist highlights the importance of intercultural dialogue

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 21 May de 2024 | 15h13
Socióloga, Conceição Armando
Socióloga, Conceição Armando
Maurício Sequesseque-ANGOP

Menongue - Sociologist Conceição Armando highlighted Tuesday, in Menongue, capital of Cuando Cubango, the importance of dialogue in taking advantage of cultural diversity for the development of communities.

Speaking to ANGOP, regarding the 21st of May, World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, Conceição Armando considered that dialogue leads people to master the essence of different cultural fabrics, which leads to the development of people without distinction.

Therefore, she defended the need to reinforce dialogue and coexistence between different cultures, to enhance the mechanisms of prosperity and pacification between peoples and nations around the world. She admitted that, despite the cultural diversity of nations, cultural exchange is possible that will allow the achievement of sustainable global peace and development.

She believes that, in the specific case of the province of Cuando Cubango, little social work has been carried out to make better use of cultural diversity for the desired development, which is why he suggests greater involvement of academia and all social actors, as well as cultural entities in promoting intercultural dialogue. “To be honest, little or nothing is done around this issue in the province of Cuando Cubango.

We need to involve academics, social actors and government entities more. But if used well, cultural diversity can be an asset for development”, she highlighted.

On other hand, the  writer Salvador Catatu highlighted that dialogue conveys the responsibility and sense of how society looks at culture and the aspect of development, how much it can contribute in a sustainable way, not only to the improvement of artists, but also in a way that makes art profitable.

 He drew attention to the need to promote cultural habits, with the acceptance of other cultures without discrimination, which will allow, in the case of Angola, for different ethnicities to promote different visions and opinions that contribute to the materialization of policies for the development.

The writer, with a degree in Anthropology of Communication, highlighted that the province of Cuando Cubango is rich in material culture, from traditional games, initiation rituals covered in values and symbols that can add value to the formation of personality.

“Today is a special day, we should promote interaction and platforms where we could expose the variety of cultures we have with their habits and customs, from the way agriculture is practiced, education, care, hygiene, marriage , aspects that define us and can bring important elements to the development of Angola”, he highlighted.

World Cultural Diversity Day for Dialogue and Development began to be celebrated in 2002. MSM/ALK/FF/plB/TED/DOJ


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