Luanda - Angolan Journalists Union (SJA) launched Wednesday in Luanda the Press Freedom Award.
The move is meant to strengthen and recognize the performance of Angolan media professionals.
The award is a partnership with the Southern Africa Institute for Media (MISA-Angola) and will also recognise the journalists' commitment to the causes of the nation, democracy and the fight against corruption.
During a press conference, the Chairman of the Ethics Council of the SJA, Stela Silveira, considered the prize as a reaffirmation for defence of press freedom for the Angolan Journalists Union (SJA).
She also said that the move comes in response to the challenge of African journalists on the creation of bodies for the unconditional protection of a free media.
The official said that the current edition, whose applications can start being submitted as of today June 1, will award two journalists or media outlets in the Freedom of Press category and a Honorable Mention.
Stela Silveira noted that the jury will only accept works that have been published between June 1 and February 28.
The first category winner will receive 1 million kwanzas, a statuette and a diploma, while the second ranked winner will be entitled to 500.000 kwanzas, also a statuette and a diploma.