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Chinese nationals arrested for illegal cooking oil production in Angola

  • Luanda • Thursday, 06 February de 2025 | 14h47

Caxito - At least two Chinese nationals were arrested on Thursday by the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) in the northern province of Bengo on suspicion of clandestine production of vegetable cooking oil.

The accused are employees of a clandestine vegetable oil production site located in an aviary in the town of Caxito, and are guilty of the crime of adulteration of food and medicine.

The SIC, through its Department for the Fight against Crimes against the Economy and Public Health, located the place where the oil, after being produced, was stored in tanks of thousands of liters and transported to Luanda in unknown places.

According to SIC spokesman, Criminal Investigation Sub-Inspector Miguel Correia, the Chinese nationals produced vegetable cooking oil without any documentation or certification from the Ministry of Industry's Central Agri-Food Laboratory, which is probably unfit for human consumption.


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