Chinese citizen arrested for human trafficking and prostitution in Angola

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 28 August de 2024 | 00h56
Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) member
Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) member
Domingos Nicolau

Cacuaco – Angola’s Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) has detained a 54-year-old Chinese citizen in Luanda for alleged involvement in international human trafficking, pimping and criminal association.

According to SIC spokesman Manuel Halaiwa, who was speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, during the operative action, eight Vietnamese women subjected to prostitution and cheap labor were rescued in Luanda.

He said that the victims entered Angolan territory with border and tourist visas, after being recruited from that Asian country.

According to Manuel Halaiwa, the recruiter lured people with false promises of employment in massage parlors and beauty salons, but placed in Angola they were subjected to other practices.

The SIC also presented a 28-year-old Angolan citizen for the crime of pimping (encouraging, favoring or facilitating the exercise of prostitution of a minor or enticing a minor for this purpose).

The spokesperson reported that Débora, also nicknamed as “the millionaire”, rented a residence in the GAMEK area and turned it into a ' prostitution promotion club”.

In the SIC action, as a result of a complaint, five women aged 21 to 27 were found at the scene, from the provinces of Uíge, Cuanza-Sul, Malanje and Luanda, recruited through social networks.

The official added that, for the work provided to third parties, the young women paid, daily, 15,000 kwanzas to the owner of the club.

Manuel Halaiwa advised parents to remain vigilant with their children and to closely monitor activities on social networks.

The alleged criminals will be referred to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the judge of guarantees for the application of coercive measures. COF/OHA/DOJ

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