Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

SIC destroys more than a ton of cannabis

  • Luanda • Monday, 25 November de 2024 | 17h22
SIC desactiva campo de cultivo de Liamba na Lunda-Norte
SIC desactiva campo de cultivo de Liamba na Lunda-Norte

Viana - A ton and 597 kilograms and 480 grams of cannabis was destroyed, on Monday, at the Mulenvos Landfill, in Viana, Luanda province, by the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC).

Speaking to the press, the communication and information officer of the SIC Department, Emanuel Capita, stressed that the arrest was made in micro-operations by personnel in the area of combating drug trafficking through complaints.

Of the operations, he stressed, 30 drug traffickers were arrested, including four women.

The actions took place in the municipalities of Luanda, Viana, Kilamba Kiaxi, Cacuaco, Talatona, Cazenga and Belas.

According to the official, of those implicated, 18 have already been convicted, while the remaining 12 are being processed under the responsibility of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the judge of guarantees.

Emanuel Capita said that the consumption of this substance causes, most of the time, anti-social and criminal practices. AA/HDC/SEC/DOJ

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