Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

SIC celebrates 49 years

  • Luanda • Thursday, 28 November de 2024 | 08h02
SIC symbol
SIC symbol
José Cachiva

Cacuaco – The Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) celebrates its 49th anniversary on Thursday, Nov 28, at a time when it has intensified its actions to combat crime, including fuel smuggling.

The central event of the celebration takes place in the municipality of Cacuaco, in Luanda, under the motto “criminal investigation, a legacy of 49 years in the service of the nation”.

The event will be guided by the minister of the Interior, Manuel Homem, in the presence of the SIC general director, Luciano da Silva, members of the Ministry of the Interior and criminal investigation advisory councils, among others.

The occasion will also serve as an opportunity for all SIC staff, including instructors and criminal investigators, to reiterate their commitment and dedication to actions aimed at ensuring, among others, public safety and tranquility.

The SIC is a body of the Ministry of the Interior and has, among other things, the objective of making the fight against crime more efficient.

SIC strives for professionalism and competence in carrying out its functions, with the aim of neutralizing acts punishable by law and regulations in force in the country.

Crime prevention involves a coordinated set of measures aimed at improving people's security.


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