Luanda - The ombudswoman, FlorBela Araújo, on Friday defended the need for parents to be criminally held accountable for taking children to beg in the streets, so as to defend the rights of these minors.
The magistrate made the statement at the end of the 7th Forum for the consultation and participation of children in the streets, run under the theme: "The role of the authorities and their partners in mitigating the phenomenon of children in street situations in the light of the 11 Commitments".
According to the magistrate there is an urgent need to create heavy penalties to put an end to this phenomenon on the country's streets.
"A sentence of at least 10 years should be applied to parents who abandon their children and don't provide the minimum conditions for them, they should be penalized more quickly, because I see that the sentences are still lenient," Araújo said.
Florbela Araújo called for more attention and care from parents to prevent children from becoming a threat to society in the future.
The meeting, which lasted a few hours, was an opportunity for the partners to hear from children who have passed through some foster shelters such as Dom Bosco centers and are considered success stories, with a view to seeking support to maintain the foster care work. LIN/PA/AMP