Luanda - The specialty committees of the National Assembly on Thursday unanimously approved the draft Law on the Labour Process Code.
In this way, the document is in a position to go to the final overall vote in the plenary.
It is a Bill that will make it possible to unify and systematize the different separate rules on Procedural Labour Law in Angola, with a view to seeking greater legal certainty and security.
Currently, Angola has a legislative dispersion that materializes in five pieces of legislation, with emphasis on the General Labour Laws (recently approved), the Labour Justice and some norms of the Labour Code created before the National Independence.
The National Assembly also appraised on Thursday the joint opinion reports of the proposed amendments to the Organic Law of the Regulatory Entity of Angolan Social Communication (ERCA) and the Law on the Statute of Journalists.
The proposed amendment to the Organic Law of the Regulatory Entity of the Angolan Media aims to clarify some of the provisions of the diploma, in order to reinforce the powers of this body to better carry out the functions entrusted to it.
The document was discussed and approved by the first and seventh committees with 12 votes in favour, seven against and one abstention.
The proposed law to amend the Journalist Statute defines the statute applicable to national and foreign journalists and trainees who work in Angola.
The amendment proposal aims to adjust the assumptions of access to journalistic activity, as well as the rights and duties of media professionals.
This proposal, despite being discussed, was not voted on due to lack of a quorum. LIN/ART/DOJ