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SADC member states’ fail to implement protocols impairs region’s development

  • Luanda • Friday, 07 June de 2024 | 13h50
Ministra da Ácção Social Família e Promoção da mulher, Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto
Ministra da Ácção Social Família e Promoção da mulher, Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto
Domingos Cardoso-ANGOP

Luanda - The slow progress made by the member states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in implementing signed protocols makes it impossible to achieve the development objectives by 2030, the Angolan Minister for Social Action, Family and Women's Promotion, Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto, said Friday in Luanda.

Speaking at the close of the virtual meeting of the SADC ministers responsible for gender and women's affairs, the minister expressed concern about the implementation of protocols on the drafting and strengthening of specific laws, policies and programs to achieve gender equality and equity.

The minister highlighted the failure in fulfilling special measures to eliminate the barriers that prevent women from participating meaningfully in all spheres of life and to create an environment conducive to their participation.

Failure to guarantee equal representation of women in decision-making positions in the political, public and private sectors, as well as women's participation in electoral processes, are also on the list.

The minister emphasized that gender equality is well established in the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP 2020-2030) reiterating the need for the region's ministers to address issues of political will and commitment, by closing the gap between intentions and the implementation of policies.

Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto recommended making adequate resources available for actions linked to gender equality and women's empowerment.

The Angolan minister called on the ministers to mobilize financial resources, in order to boost the activities of the gender agenda for an equitable distribution of resources in the budgets and encouraging the private sectors and stakeholders.

Ana Paula do Sacramento expressed satisfaction with the fact that Angola successfully presented UN Resolution 60/2 on women, girls and HIV/AIDS, promoted by SADC, to be implemented with technical updates, reviewed by the CSW every two years.

 The resolution focuses mainly on eliminating gender inequality, abuse and violence, as well as increasing their capacity and to protect them from the risk of the disease.

 The meeting addressed issues related to the implementation of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development, the peace and security agenda, women in politics and decision-making positions and progress in efforts to address gender-based violence.

 It was led by the Minister of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women and Chairperson of the SADC Council of Ministers responsible for Gender and Women's Affairs, Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto. VS/ANM/OHA/AMP

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