First Lady witnesses launch of the book 'Sexuality, Health and Equity'

  • Luanda • Friday, 23 August de 2024 | 20h33
Primeira Dama da República, Ana Dias Lourenço (à dir.) prestigia cerimónia de lançamento da obra literária "Sexualidade, saúde e equidade" da autora Arnaldina Moisés
Primeira Dama da República, Ana Dias Lourenço (à dir.) prestigia cerimónia de lançamento da obra literária "Sexualidade, saúde e equidade" da autora Arnaldina Moisés
Nelson Malamba - ANGOP

Luanda – Angola’s First Lady, Ana Dias Lourenço, witnessed on Friday, in Luanda, the launch of the book “Sexuality, Health and Equity” which addresses, among other topics, sexual education in families and brings advice for patients with HIV/AIDS.

The work, by Angolan doctor and professor Arnaldina Moisés, is in harmony with the 'Born Free to Shine' campaign, an initiative of the First Lady of the Republic that was launched in December 2018, with the aim of reducing the transmission of HIV/AIDS from mother to child.

Ana Dias Lourenço also witnessed the sale ceremony and autograph session of the book, published by Mayamba Editora.

Speaking to the press, Arnaldina Moisés said that the First Lady had a good appreciation of her work, taking into account the theme of the book.

Composed of eight chapters and 179 pages, the book also addresses sexuality education since adolescence, anonymous counseling for patients with HIV/AIDS, chronic non-communicable diseases, cycle of violence, sex and pleasure, female and male dysfunction, among other topics, according to the author.

He said that the work reinforces the role of parents in the chapter of dialogue with their children, especially in the adolescence phase.

On the occasion, the director of the National Children's Institute (INAC), Paulo Calesse, stressed that the work brings benefits to society in general, taking into account the need for greater dialogue between parents and children about sexuality, in order to reduce cases of early pregnancy.

Arnaldina Rebeca Sateleia Moisés, born in Huambo, lives in the city of Lobito, Benguela province. She holds a PhD in Psychological Sciences from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Havana, Cuba, where she completed her master's degree in Clinical Psychology in 2016.

She obtained a degree in Psycho-Pedagogy from the former University Center of Benguela of the Agostinho Neto University, now the Higher Institute of Education Sciences (ISCED), and has a postgraduate degree in therapy and family guidance from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Havana.

He also has a postgraduate degree in special educational needs and language and communication disorders, from the Enrique Jose Varona University of Pedagogical Sciences, in Havana (Cuba). AMC/OHA/DOJ


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