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Parliament Speaker defends eradication of premature marriages

  • Luanda • Thursday, 06 February de 2025 | 18h41
Carolina Cerqueira, Presidente da AN
Carolina Cerqueira, Presidente da AN
Gaspar dos Santos - ANGOP

Luanda – The National Assembly (parliament) Speaker, Carolina Cerqueira, this Thursday in Luanda defended the need to eradicate premature, forced, combined or arranged marriages, which mostly involve girls under the age of 18, with negative consequences on young women’s education, health and perspective of life.

“Premature marriage continues to be a problem in Southern Africa due to endogenous factors, which includes poverty, lack of gender equity, traditions, insecurity, mainly in armed conflicts, limited access to education and the lack of a favourable juridical framework.

Carolina Cerqueira made such statement when launching the campaign the campaign on “Eradication of child marriage and Teen Pregnancy”, an initiative that is part of the implementation of the agreement on the implementation of the project on Health, Sexual and Reproductive Rights, plus HIV/AIDS and Governance under the programme of the SADC Parliamentary Forum.

She said this phenomenon is reaching alarming proportions in five SADC countries, where 40% of women get married before the age of 18.

SADC Model Law

The Angolan parliament Speaker manifested real concern at the consequences of premature marriages, which cause many girls to drop out of school, some are even victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse or forced to involve in prostitution, besides other practices that are harmful to their dignity and integrity.

Carolina Cerqueira encouraged the promotion and implementation of the Model Law on the Eradication of Premature Marriage and Protection of Children, created by the SADC Parliamentary Forum with a view to reformulating policies for the elaboration or revision of substantial laws in member states.

She reminded that member states are invited to use the Model Law to elaborate national laws on the topic.

On the occasion, she called on the Angolan National Assembly to gather synergies towards the development of a broad work of sensitisation and communication, in collaboration with families, churches, associations, traditional authorities, schools, universities and the society in general to contribute to the termination of such acts in society which undermine and degrade the position of women.

“I believe, thus, that this is the best way to react sternly against all forms of violence (...)”, emphasised the Angolan parliament Speaker.



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