President authorizes demolition and reconstruction of "lote 1" building

  • Luanda • Friday, 27 October de 2023 | 07h29
Edifício lote 1 no bairro Prenda em mau estado de conservação
Edifício lote 1 no bairro Prenda em mau estado de conservação
Carlos Matias-ANGOP

Luanda - The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, authorized the demolition of four buildings in the province of Luanda, including the “lote 1” of the Prenda residential zone.

In Presidential Order no. 255/23, of 25 October, the demolition of these buildings is justified due to the advanced state of degradation, preserving the good of life and ensuring decent living conditions.

On the list of demolitions in Luanda, there is also the unfinished Maianga building, located on Rua Amilcar Cabral, building 7 “building of the former Mirui bookstore”, in Comandante Valódia (Ingombota), and building nº 80, 82, 84, also located on the same avenue.

According to the decree, in Huambo the demolition of the FAPA building is planned, while in Cuanza Sul it will be the DEFA building.

In the province of Bié, the Head of State authorized the demolition of the Gabiconta building.

In the same order, the Head of State also authorizes the construction of a new Lote 1 of Prenda.

The old five-storey colonial building, which has existed for more than 50 years, was evacuated and closed in April this year to prevent the movement of people inside and around it.

The Angolan Engineering Laboratory (LEA) confirmed, at the time, that the building has a “serious situation for collapsing”, advising its demolition.

Some residents were rehoused in the Mayé Mayé urbanization, located in the centrality of Sequele (Cacuaco).

In May, still in Prenda, there was the fall of a windbreak beam from “lote 9”, a situation that put its residents in a state of alert.

The 12-story colonial-era building houses more than 70 families.

For the same reasons, despite being allowed to resume normal life, in September, residents of buildings 60 and 62 on Hoji-ya-Henda Avenue were evacuated due to the cracks detected.

These are buildings with five floors each, with a total of 44 apartments.

On the occasion, the architect José Bessa, addressing the residents, informed that an inspection had been carried out with technicians from the National Directorate of Buildings and Monuments and also from the Engineering Laboratory of Angola, having verified the stability of the building.

The history of buildings in an advanced state of degradation in Luanda also records the collapse, on March 25, of a building on Avenida Comandante Valódia, causing no casualties. VM/DOJ


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