Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

OMA elects new secretary general today

  • Luanda • Friday, 26 March de 2021 | 11h45
Congresso Ordinário da OMA
Congresso Ordinário da OMA
Gaspar dos Santos

Luanda - The seventh Ordinary Congress of the Organisation of Angolan Women (OMA), female wing of the ruling MPLA party, ends Friday with the election of Joana Tomás as new secretary-general, replacing Luzia Inglês "Inga".

According to the spokeswoman for the conclave, Maria José Alfredo, on Thursday work focused on the conclusion of the electoral process and discussion and approval, with amendments and unanimously, of the Report of the National Committee of the MPLA's women's organisation to the VII Congress.

On Friday, work will continue with the discussion and approval of the 2021-2025 Action Programme. The Congress ends with the disclosure of the results of the electoral process.

At least 1,500 delegates coming from the 18 provinces of the country and different Angolan communities abroad, these by videoconference, follow the works of this magna meeting.

Since its foundation, on the 10th of January 1962, OMA has been contributing to the struggle for the protection of liberties and civil, economic, political, social and cultural rights of women in particular and of the Angolan people in general.

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