Woman caught selling dog meat in Lubango

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 03 September de 2024 | 18h28
Carne de cão apreendida
Carne de cão apreendida
Morais Silva - ANGOP

Lubango – A 49-year-old woman was reported and arrested for selling dog meat for human consumption, as if it were goat meat, at the Mutundo open-air market on the outskirts of the city of Lubango, in Huíla province.

She confessed the crime to the National Police officers who arrested her, following an anonymous tip, justifying it by the “need to overcome financial difficulties”, the police spokesperson, sub-inspector José Nongava  said.

Given the seriousness of the complaint, the officer said, a series of investigative steps were taken that culminated in the arrest of the national citizen identified as Julieta Nhiama Huzima, a single woman and a dealer, and the product was also seized.

The citizen, who was arrested last Saturday, the 31st, was in possession of a basin containing approximately 10 kg of the suspect meat and she admits to having already sold some of it, without however revealing how she had acquired it.

Although there is speculation about the alleged use of camouflaged dog meat in goat meat roasting places, this is the first case that has resulted in a suspect being arrested in Huíla. MS/TED/DOJ

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