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Media minister highlights ANGOP´s modernisation programme

  • Luanda • Sunday, 30 October de 2022 | 21h18
Media minister Mário Oliveira
Media minister Mário Oliveira
Carlos Matías - ANGOP

Luanda - Angolan minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Media Mário de Oliveira Sunday stressed the technical and technological modernisation programme and the improvement in the working conditions of the Angola Press Agency (ANGOP).

According to a press release, the official reiterated his commitment to pursue the modernisation of ANGOP aimed at boosting and ensure expansion of its role in providing the public services with truth, training to citizenship and recovery of values and principles of the Angolan culture.


ANGOP celebrates its 47th anniversary on 30 October.


ANGOP was created in July 1975 with designation of Angola National Press Agency (ANAP).


At the beginning of its works, ANGOP focused on distribution in the form of a printed bulletin until 30 October 1975, when the company launched its first telegraphic dispatch.


On 2 December 1975, it adopted its present and definitive denomination “Agência Angola Press”, by launching its first dispatch under the acronym ANGOP.


Through a presidential decree, on 2 February 1978, the News Agency became a state-run body.


In 1991, ANGOP opted to broadcast its work 24 hours a day, and also introduced innovations in the editorial and technical plans regarding the informative point of view.


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