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Minister of Interior pledges improvement of prison conditions

  • Luanda • Friday, 20 December de 2024 | 16h01
Ministro do Interior, Manuel Homem convive em natal solidário no establecimento prisional de Viana
Ministro do Interior, Manuel Homem convive em natal solidário no establecimento prisional de Viana
Gaspar dos Santos-ANGOP

Viana - The Minister of Interior, Manuel da Conceição Homem, reiterated on Friday in Viana,Luanda, that the work to improve the working conditions of the prison services and the accommodation of inmates will continue to guarantee a more humanized environment.

The minister made the statements to the press during a fraternization event with 200 inmates of the Viana Women's Prison, where he celebrated an early Christmas.

Manuel Homen added that improving conditions in the penitentiary will allow them to be more active in the process of rehabilitation and social integration of prisoners, while respecting human rights.

The minister visited the local kindergarten, where he gave toys to the inmates' children, the in-house library, the virtual parlor used for online communication with families, and an exhibition of materials made by the inmates.

In the message, the inmates thanked the Minister of the Interior for his solidarity in living with them and for the rehabilitation program for their social reintegration.

Angola has 24,000 inmates in 43 prisons. AA/HDC/SEC/DAN/AMP

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