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Minister of Territorial Administration highlights success of PIIM in Bié

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 02 May de 2023 | 15h53
Territory Administration minister, Dionísio da Fonseca
Territory Administration minister, Dionísio da Fonseca
Valentino Yequenha-ANGOP

Cuito - The Minister of Territorial Administration (MAT), Dionísio Manuel da Fonseca on Tuesday highlighted the successful implementation of the Integrated Intervention Plan in Municipalities (PIIM) in the province of Bié, where 195 projects, out of the 226 registered, were concluded.

The minister highlighted the engagement of local authorities in implementing these infrastructures, for the well-being of the population while he was speaking to members of the local government in Cuito, administrative seat of Bié province.

The PIIM in this region generated more than three thousand direct and indirect jobs, with an investment estimated at 37 billion 600 million 751 thousand kwanzas.

In the health sector, eight health units were built, with a total of 710 beds, while in education, 35 new schools came into operation, accommodating 16,113 students.

The PIIM also made it possible to build 10 bridges, asphalt 37 kilometres of roads, earthworks on 705 tertiary roads, which are contributing to improving the quality of life of the population.

The PIIM also won the construction of the National Police Command in Camacupa, rehabilitation of the Minor Seminary in Cuito, Municipality Administration in Chitembo, Production Center for Public Television of Angola, the Academy of Arts Walter Cambodja in Cuito, requalification of the Memorial Cemetery of Cuito, Embala Ecovongo and others.

The minister asked the State's Local Administration managers to become more engaged, whether in terms of productivity, competence or in identifying and solving various problems that still affects the life of citizens.

During his stay in Bie province, Dionísio Manuel da Fonseca visited the cemetery monument, the construction works of the school with 20 rooms, the municipal hospital of Cuito, the school with 7 classrooms at school 314, asphalting of the national road 250, on the “SME/Caluapanda” section, the school with 12 classrooms in the Military district and the “Walter Cambodja” Academy of Arts.

He also held a meeting with the residents' commissions, traditional authorities and ecclesiastical entities. Later this afternoon, he will chair a lecture at the International University of Cuanza (UNIC) on the “challenges of Local State Administration in the Current Context”.

On Wednesday, he will travel to the municipality of Cunhinga, 30 kilometers north of Cuito, to visit the paving of the five kilometres of the headquarters, inaugurate the support infrastructure for the Local State Administration, a school with 12 classrooms and the maternal and child hospital.


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