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Ministry reiterates support for ANGOP's modernization program

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 30 October de 2024 | 17h06
Secretário de Estado para Comunicação Social, Nuno Caldas
Secretário de Estado para Comunicação Social, Nuno Caldas
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Social Communication will continue to support the Angola Press News Agency (ANGOP-E.P.) in carrying out the company's extensive technical and technological modernisation programme, Secretary of State Nuno Caldas Albino said on Wednesday in Luanda.

The Secretary of State for Social Communication also informed that new ANGOP facilities are coming soon, “with only the adjustments of some ongoing processes missing”.

The official was speaking at the act that marked the 49 years of existence of ANGOP, marked on 30th  of October, having highlighted the altruism of the Board of Directors in achieving the great objectives and the great goals of this communication institution.

The secretary also highlighted the extraordinary posture and the way of acting of ANGOP professionals in their daily practice.

On the other hand, Nuno Caldas called on professionals to join the festivities of November 11, 2025, the day that Angola will celebrate the 50th anniversary of independence, proclaimed in 1975, by President António Agostinho Neto.

He stressed that Angolan journalism has taken on a preponderant and crucial role in the various stages of the country's political process, especially in the last three decades.

“It was the journalists, the media who made the information reach the last citizen, under fire, under sun, under rain”, he said.

According to Nuno Caldas, it was in this period that journalists assumed, with a high sense of patriotism and enthusiasm, their functions, even on battlefields.

“Our journalists are true soldiers of democracy and citizenship”, concluded the official who represented, at the event, the Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Social Communication, Mário de Oliveira.

ANGOP was created in July 1975, under the name of Agência Nacional Angola Press (ANAP).

At first, his works were distributed in the form of a printed bulletin, until, on October 30 of the same year, he launched his first telegraphic dispatch.

In 1991 he opted for the broadcast of his work 24 hours a day and also introduced innovations in the editorial and technical plans. ANM/OHA/DOJ

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