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Labour Ministry to ensure more job creation and social protection modernization

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 30 May de 2023 | 13h59
Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security Teresa Dias
Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security Teresa Dias
Rosário dos Santos - ANGOP

Luanda - The Ministry of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security (MAPTSS) will ensure more job creation, increased training capacity and the modernization of social protection within the framework of the National Development Plan (PND) 2023-2027.

These actions are expected to ensure a greater expansion of services, according to Teresa Rodrigues Dias Angola’s minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Protection, while she was presenting the working perspectives of MAPTSS.


She added that the Ministry of Public Administration, Labour and Social Protection also plans to encourage entrepreneurship with the attribution of micro-credits for the creation of small businesses, as well as the attribution of professional kits.


The regime of teleworking in the civil service, administration of the national system of human resources management, monitoring of the elaboration of the diagnosis on the profile of the civil servant and the guarantee of the continuity of the update of the categories of public servants are also included.


As for compulsory social protection, the working plan foresees the creation and updating of five laws, namely, the creation of the legal regime of absolute incapacity, creation of the legal regime of the incapacity verification system, revision of the legal regime of the eventuality of death, creation of the regulation of presidential decree 2/19 (debt collection to Social Security) and creation of the legal regime for the validity of acts and electronic processing.


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