Over 3,000 families fail to provide proof of life

  • Luanda • Monday, 05 August de 2024 | 15h50
Cadastramento do Kwenda na Huíla
Cadastramento do Kwenda na Huíla
Morais Silva - ANGOP

 Lubango - Three thousand and eight families, out of the 19,607 who benefit from the Social Monetary Transfers of the “Kwenda” Social Protection Programme, in the municipality of Quilengues, in Huíla, failed to provide the first proof of life and are at risk of losing the benefit.

The families did not appear in the proof of life process that took place from 25 June to 31 July, according to the provincial assistant for local development of the FAS, Feliciano Tchenda, in statements to
ANGOP Monday, stating that a second selection phase is now underway to locate them.

According to the source, the Institute for Local Development – FAS will now filter the names and submit them to the Municipal Administration for possible location.

If no results are obtained, they will be placed in the group of people who have changed residence and excluded from the programme.

He said that these are families living in the municipality, and that they are working to ensure that the process runs as normal, without leaving anyone out, since Kwenda is inclusive and it is in the best
interest of all beneficiaries to update their data.

He explained that the focus of the program is on the family unit, and in their absence, due to death, illness or other situation, another adult member can provide proof of life and continue to be part of the
program with documentary justification.

 He said that of the 16,599 families that attended the proof of life, at least 10 percent filed a complaint, requesting a second copy of the ATM card, due to loss.

 According to the source, mobilization and compliance with the scheduled dates were fundamental to achieving the results, as was the trust of the beneficiaries in Kwenda, which guaranteed the
self-mobilization and enthusiasm of the families knowing that the support would continue.

He also highlighted the involvement of traditional authorities, which allowed for greater dissemination of communication at the neighbourhood and village level. Community dialogue before, during and
after the proof of life test was a critical success factor, as well as teamwork, which ensured greater cohesion within the team.

The municipality of Quilengues is the first to carry out the proof of life test for households, followed by Cacula, Gambos and Humpata.

The process of proof of life for beneficiary families, from the Social Monetary Transfers (TSM) component, aims to confirm receipt of the first four payments and ensure continuity in the Social Protection Strengthening Programme - Kwenda. EM/MS/TED/DOJ

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