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Over 3,000 families in Calai and Mavengue receive financial assistance

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  • Luanda • Tuesday, 11 February de 2025 | 11h50
Transferência monetária do Kwenda no município do Calai
Transferência monetária do Kwenda no município do Calai
Felícia Saúde-ANGOP

Calai - A total of 3,427 vulnerable families living in the municipalities of Calai and Mavengue, in the province of Cubango, have begun receiving financial assistance of 132,000 kwanzas each through the Kwenda social assistance program.

The money will be disbursed in a single tranche, given the peculiarities of the difficult access to the interior of Cubango, and in order to ensure a rapid disbursement, the Local Development Institute (FAS) has 42 technicians, including ADECOS (Community and Health Development Agents) and other field technicians.

The deputy governor of Cubango for the political, economic and social sectors, Helena Chimena, said that the act symbolizes the government's determination to continue building a more equitable society.

Chimena said that through the cash transfers, the government aims to ensure that no family is excluded, thus enabling the construction of a more equal society in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic.

According to Helena Chimena, the Kwenda program has emerged as a concrete response to support vulnerable families, guaranteeing financial support that contributes to improving their quality of life and their productive inclusion.


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