Saurimo - At least 30 houses of sale and purchase of iron materials will be temporarily closed in the municipalities of Saurimo and Cassengo, Lunda-Sul Province, for contributing to the promotion of acts of vandalism of public property.
The temporary closure of the houses follows the instructions of the local governor, Daniel Neto, after a meeting with representatives of the establishments on Wednesday.
Daniel Neto emphasized that with the opening of these houses, the number of acts of vandalism of public property in these municipalities increased significantly, causing great losses to the state.
According to the governor, some gutter covers, vertical supports for traffic signs and vandalized electricity pylons were found in the iron selling houses.
"Therefore, it is necessary to put an end to these acts," said the governor, who ordered the cancellation of the selling licenses.
The governor said that selling houses will be held accountable, so the closure aims to reorganize the activity with well-defined objectives, to effectively determine what they sell and what they should buy.
Daniel Neto informed that one of the criteria for the reopening of houses is their collaboration in the replacement of vandalized public assets.
Recently, 10 electric power plants of the Hidrochicapa I dam in Saurimo were vandalized, including school windows and desks, as well as fountains, roofs of public and private institutions.