Lubango wins first edition of Angola's Best Municipality Award

  • Luanda • Sunday, 11 August de 2024 | 09h02
Gala da 1ª Edição do Prémio Melhor Município de Angola
Gala da 1ª Edição do Prémio Melhor Município de Angola
Aurélio Cua

Malanje – Lubango municipality, in central Huíla province, won the first edition of the Angola Best Municipality Award on Saturday in the Grand Prize category,  category A.

Tômbua municipality , in Namibe province, won the category B, while Catabola and Dala (Bié and Lunda-Sul) won the categories C and D, respectively.

In the category of Protection and Conservation of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, the municipalities of Quilenda, Libolo, Porto Amboim and Lobito won the prize; Gambos, Dembos, Ambriz and Lubango came second, while Cela and Dande took third place.

For Security and Public Order, the municipalities of Gambos, Muconda, Tômbua and Lubango were elected; Virei, Libolo, Nharêa and Porto Amboim, in second place, and Dala, Mungo, Chibia and Andulo, in third place.

In the category of Commitment to Children and their Protection/Child-Friendly Municipality, Dala, Catabola, Seles and Cacuaco won, followed by Caculo, Quibala, Tômbua and Moçâmedes, while Chinjenje, Bibala, Nharêa and Lubango complete the list of those elected.

Gambos, Libolo, Catumbela and Lubango were chosen in the areas of Sport, Culture and Leisure, among the municipalities in category A, followed by Dala Ebo, Chibia and Matala, in category B, and Cacula, Mungo, Tômbua and Amboim, in category C.

The trophies for Good Governance, Transparency and Quality of Budget Execution were awarded to the municipalities of Cacula, Camacupa and Nharêa, Gambos Catabola, Baía Farta and Lubango, Quilenda, Bibala, Humpata and Andulo, in classes A, B, C and D.

In the best municipality in the Education and Professional Qualification category  Conda, Bibala, Cubal and Matala, won in type A; Chitembo, Ebo, Chibia and Moçâmedes, in class B, while Gambos, Mungo, Camacupa and Andulo are among the type C municipalities.

In terms of Equality and Inclusion, the judges chose Dala, Catabola, Catumbela and Matala, Cacula, Bibala, Cubal, Lobito, Quilenda, Muconda, Cela and Benguela.

Longonjo, Cassongue, Seles and Huambo dominated the Health category, along with Quilenda, Quibala, Porto Amboim and Sumbe, Mussende, Libolo, Cubal and Lobito.

Established under Presidential Decree 166/23 of August 4, the Best Municipality in Angola Award aims to stimulate continuous improvement in the public management of municipalities, by promoting and valuing initiatives that guarantee the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of local government action.

For this edition, 66 municipalities, representing nine of the country's provinces, competed. ACC/PBC/AMP




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