Luanda - The I Edition of the Women's Leadership Conference will take place on the 16th of the current month, in Luanda, with the aim of encouraging women to make effective decisions.
The event, promoted by Crescimento Imparável productions, According to Aleida Silva, pastor and psychoanalyst, who spoke to ANGOP Thursday, aims to train and empower women in leadership positions, helping them to establish defined objectives.
"Although the conference is mainly aimed at female leaders, participation is extended to men who are also in a leadership position and who intend to acquire knowledge and develop skills to exercise assertive leadership", she stressed.
Reverend Aurélio Pombo, the entrepreneur Félix Zola, the jurists Nara Júnior, Tunísia Sebastião and Priscila Ramos, as well as the apostle Raquel Sebastião are the event's speakers.