More than 17,000 families in Buengas to benefit from Kwenda

  • Luanda • Monday, 25 March de 2024 | 10h46
Programa Kwenda (arquivo)
Programa Kwenda (arquivo)
Armando morais

Uíge – More than 17,000 families from 112 villages in the municipality of Buengas, in the province of Uíge, will be registered in the next few days, to benefit from the “Kwenda” Social Protection Strengthening Program.

Each family will benefit from 66.000 Kwanzas (US$78,8), corresponding to a period of six months, said the provincial director of the Social Support Fund (FAS), Nanizaiawo Capitão.

Nanizaiawo Capitão, who was speaking during the presentation of the program to authorities in the municipality of Buengas, over the weekend, explained that Kwenda has already benefited 32,600 families in the municipalities of Songo, Mucaba and Cangola.

He also informed that another 8,700 vulnerable families, registered in October 2023, in the municipality of Milunga (Uíge), will begin to benefit from Kwenda, next April.

For this reason, he said that, soon, meetings will be held with local authorities, to define the villages to be registered, as well as the training, for 21 days, of 30 ADECOS in the municipality of Milunga.

Kwenda is an Angolan government program that aims to support families in poverty or vulnerability issues. Valued at USD 420 million, the initiative is financed at USD 320 million by the World Bank, with the other USD 100 million coming from the National Treasury.

Kwenda encompasses four components: Monetary Social Transfers; Productive Inclusion; Municipalization of Social Action and, finally, the reinforcement of the Single Social Registry. QJ/NM/JAR/CF/DOJ



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