Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

INEFOP to train more than a thousand youngsters in Lunda-Norte

  • Luanda • Thursday, 08 February de 2024 | 20h31
Centro Integrado de Emprego e Formação Profissional (Foto ilustração)
Centro Integrado de Emprego e Formação Profissional (Foto ilustração)
Leonardo de Castro-ANGOP

Dundo - One thousand and eight young people will be trained during the 2024 training cycle, at the National Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (INEFOP) in the province of Lunda-Norte, in different specialties, aiming to promote self-employment.

The information was provided this Thursday, by the head of INEFOP's provincial services in Lunda-Norte, João Palata, highlighting that young people will attend courses in low voltage electricity, cutting and sewing, decoration, cooking, plumbing, industrial electricity and electronics.

He said that the training year that opened in the municipality of Xá-muteva also includes courses in auto mechanics, secretarial skills, accounting, IT, civil construction and entrepreneurship.

He made it known that this year, for the first time, a mobile professional training center was implemented in the municipality of Xá-muteba, which will train 192 youngsters, in the first phase, in the areas of electricity, construction and cooking.

In 2023, INEFOP trained 1,300 young people in different specialties.


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