Productive inclusion with positive indicators

  • Luanda • Thursday, 01 August de 2024 | 06h12
Famílias reembolsam produtos da componente de multiplicação de sementes
Famílias reembolsam produtos da componente de multiplicação de sementes
Leonardo de Castro-ANGOP

Andulo - The productive inclusion component, as part of the Kwenda program, has so far covered more than 120,000 families in the provinces of Bié, Moxico, Huila and Cunene, with positive results, as the beneficiaries honor their commitments.

Launched in 2021, productive inclusion foresees actions in community credit banks, seed banks and small animal breeding, and is being developed, in the first phase, in the municipalities of Andulo (Bié), Luau (Moxico), Cacula (Huila) and Curoca (Cunene).

Beneficiaries have already started to reimburse both the money and the products received as credit to the Local Development Institute (FAS).

At the level of the Kwenda program, there are also components of Monetary Social Transfers and the Municipalization of Social Action.

This Wednesday, the general director of FAS, Belarmino Jelembi, assessed the level of commitment of some beneficiaries from the municipality of Andulo, as part of the first reflection days on local development, taking place this Thursday, this city.

In the chapter on community credit funds, for example, in Andulo, eight of the 16 beneficiaries from the village of Bumba, in the commune of Cassumbi, reimbursed the money received in January this year.

For this community, two million kwanzas were disbursed, which were invested in the countryside and in small businesses individually.

To date, the first creditors have reimbursed 886 million kwanzas to the community fund.

Jeremias Fernando, who operates in the transport sector, said he received a loan of 180 thousand kwanzas, which he used to recover his three-wheeled motorbike.

Six months later, he managed to return 198,000, compared to the interest applied, and still ended up with a profit of 280 thousand kwanzas, which the 32-year-old young man intends to purchase another two-wheeled motorbike to reinforce the fleet.

Another beneficiary, António Sicuete, who received the same amount as a loan, said that he invested in the construction of a small milling industry.

Today, he also managed to return 198 thousand kwanzas and has saved 70 thousand kwanzas as a profit, which he plans to invest in the purchase of fuel for the industry.

A similar scenario was seen in the village of Chiombo, where around 50 members benefited from the seed multiplication component.

In this community, FAS invested 400 kilograms of beans. So far, almost a ton and a half of the food has been harvested.

For beans, the reimbursement model was one for two, which allowed the development of 912 kilograms of the product plus 285 thousand kwanzas, delivered by those who were unable to multiply the seeds.

In another location, in the village of Lucuco, which benefited from the animal husbandry component, a quarantine post was built to house goat animals, before being distributed to creditors.

In total, there are 108 animals for breeding and later being distributed among 46 already registered families.

On the occasion, the general director of the FAS reported that, to date, 54 community funds have been created in the country, eight of which are in Andulo. The initial capital varies between two and five million kwanzas.

Belarmino Jelembi considered the current situation extraordinary, since, at the time of its launch, there were doubts about the loyalty of beneficiaries regarding reimbursement.

As for the seed bank, he said it is already benefiting more than 80 villages in the four provinces mentioned above. LB/PLB/DOJ

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