Huambo - At least 4,000 children living on the streets have been identified in the capital cities of the country's 21 provinces since 2024, the director general of the National Institute for Children (INAC), Paulo Kalesi, said Friday.
The INAC official made the statement at a training seminar on procedures for caring for children in situations of risk and social vulnerability, which brought together 75 members of religious institutions, the National Police, municipal administrators, academics, judicial bodies, representatives of non-governmental organizations and traditional authorities.
Paulo Kalesi explained that of these, 2,500 children spend time on the streets and return home at the end of the day, while 1,500 children spend the night in the same places outside their family environment.
For the Director General of INAC, the ideal is to promote an awareness program to get children off the streets, increase their level of protection and safety, and strengthen family values in communities.