General Labor Inspection calls for protection of human dignity

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 20 August de 2024 | 21h04
Chefe dos Serviços Provincias da Inspecção Geral do Cuanza Sul, Germano Panda
Chefe dos Serviços Provincias da Inspecção Geral do Cuanza Sul, Germano Panda
Sandra Neto

 Sumbe – The head of the Provincial Services of the General Labor Inspectorate (IGT) in Cuanza Sul province, Germano Panda, urged Tuesday, the representatives of the companies, the need to comply with labor legislation with the aim to provide a dignified work and capable to protect human dignity.

The official, who was speaking to the press in Sumbe city, as part of the launching ceremony of the 2nd phase of the “Dignified Work” operation, which runs from August 20th to September 14th, said that the principle of human dignity must always be complied with by the employer.

“We have a duty to guarantee decent work, to combat all levels of precarious work, with a view to improving working conditions and verifying compliance with matters such as working hours, vacation rights, minimum wage, social security and exams occupational health doctors”, he pointed out.

He said that safety, hygiene, health services at work, as well as work safety plan, risk assessment map for work accidents and occupational diseases, work accident prevention commission, among others, are included in the fulfillment of work materials.

On the occasion, Carmem Salvador from Super Gesso company, said that it is essential to carry out an inspection due to the development of the company as it guarantees compliance with the standards that govern the functionality of companies.

Remember that the IGT plans to carry out inspection visits together with the General Tax Administration (AGT), National Social Security Institute (INSS), Foreign Migration Services (SME), Criminal Investigation Service (SIC), National Police (PN), to verify compliance with the rights and duties of the employer, as well as the employee.

However, in Cuanza Sul province 105 companies well coded will be inspected.  SN/Lc/ALH/MRA/DOJ


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